Aims of the Conference
The International Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems (ISICAS) invites high-quality submissions presenting original work in the areas of integrated circuits and systems. Topics in the areas of analogue, digital, power, energy, biomedical, sensor interfaces, and communication systems are welcome. The submissions must describe integrated circuit and system implementations, with experimental results. Extended versions of previously published recent conference papers with significant additional materials are also welcome.
Special Announcement
As you are aware, the World Health Organization officially declared the COVID-19 a pandemic. Governments around the world are issuing restrictions on travel and meetings. In view of the uncertainty, the conference date or location may change. Please check the ISICAS2020 conference website for latest development.
Latest Announcement
- [29th July 2020] Conference Catalysts has sent out individual email. The upload website is personalized. Hence, if you did not receive the email by today, please email to [email protected].
- [22nd July 2020] The registration website is available!!! More details are available over here.
- [21st July 2020] We have send out email to notify all the authors to prepare the video preparation. More details are available over here.
- [21th May 2020] We are excited for the opportunity to innovate by creating an engaging virtual conference that will be rewarding for both presenters and attendees. Immediate guidance for authors, with full details will be announced soon.
- [15th Mar. 2020] Submission deadline has been extended till 31st March 2020.
- [2nd Mar. 2020] Reminder: The Article Processing Charge of the first 10 papers accepted to OJCAS ISICAS Special Issue will be waived.
- [1st Mar. 2020] Submission deadline has been extended till 15th March 2020.
- [11th Feb 2020] Due to the uncertainty caused by the outbreak of Coronavirus, ISICAS2020 will be relocated from Shanghai to Paris. More details will come soon.
General Information
- Date: Aug. 27-28, 2020
- Place: Virtual Conference
- General Co-Chairs:
- Yong Lian (IEEE CASS Past President)
- Franco Maloberti (IEEE CASS Past President)
- Amara Amara, (IEEE CASS President)
- Technical Program Chair:
- Guoxing Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)
- Elena Blokhina, TCAS-I (Univ. College Dublin)
- Yajun Ha, TCAS-II (Shanghai Tech. Univ.)
- Timothy Constandinou, TBioCAS (Imperial College)
- Zhihua Wang, OJCAS (Tsinghua Univ.)
- Local Arrangement Chair:
- Yongfu Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)
- Patricia Desgreys (Telecom Paris)
- Finance Chair:
- Amara Amara, (IEEE CASS President)
- Jian Zhao (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)
- Publicity Chair:
- Yongfu Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)
- Publication Chair:
- Yan Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)
- Yu Pu (PingTouGe Semiconductor Co. Ltd.)
- International Advisor:
- Edoardo Bonizzoni (Univ. of Pavia)
Submission of Papers / Design Descriptions:
- Deadline for papers submission
- Full paper:
March 1March 15March 31 (Tue.), 2020