ISICAS 2021 Call for Papers
Download the Call for Papers in PDF format.
Instructions for Authors
As the ISICAS symposium will not produce proceedings, all the accepted papers will be published in four Special Issues of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – I (TCAS-I), of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II (TCAS-II), of the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), and of the IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems (OJCAS). The ISICAS 2021 paper submission and review process will follow the standard procedure of above journals regular paper submissions.
At least one author per paper must be registered AND attend the conference to present the paper. In case of no-show, the paper will be excluded from the special issue and will not be published. Please note that, in addition to the general scope requirement of TCAS-I/-II/TBioCAS/OJCAS, for the ISICAS special issue, manuscripts on analog and mixed signal, nonlinear, communications, and power circuits must have an on-chip implementation and measured silicon results. Manuscripts on digital circuits and systems and VLSI must have at least FPGA verification. Submissions not compliant with the above requirements will not be reviewed and will be returned to the authors. Extended versions of previously published recent conference papers with significant additional materials are also welcome.
Paper Preparation and Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit full length papers consisting of a complete description of their integrated circuits and systems implementations and collected measurement results. Extended versions of previously published recent conference papers with significant additional materials (conforming the rules of TCAS-I, TCAS-II, TBioCAS, and OJCAS – see below) are also welcomed.
Manuscripts must follow the standard single-spaced, double-column IEEE Transactions format, as specified at the following link:, information, and detailed instructions for papers submission for TCAS-I, TCAS-II, TBioCAS, and OJCAS are available at the following links:
TCAS-I website: for TCAS-I authors:
TCAS-II website: for TCAS-II authors:
TBioCAS website: for TBioCAS authors:
OJCAS website: for OJCAS authors:
When submitting a paper for ISICAS 2021 (either for TCAS-I, TCAS-II, TBioCAS, and OJCAS through ScholarOne submission site), please select the option ISICAS 2021 Special Issue.
Papers submitted for ISICAS 2021 will be checked for plagiarism and improper re-use of authors’ earlier material using IEEE CrossCheck (click here).